Our Feature

Well furnished class room for each classes and also specialized practical section with necessary equipments.


The institute has well established library with modern books on Radiography, Nursing, ECG, MLT, Pharmacy, Dental Technician, Optometry, Latest medical technology and related medicines.

Equipments and Teaching Aids

We have highly specialized and well equipped laboratory with various modern instruments such as 108 model, 408 model, ECG machines. One of our main characteristic is the provision of highly qualified and experienced instructors.

Besides numerous charts which help the students to learn their lessons easily. We have other study materials such as Slides, Human Skeletons, Computer CD's and Smart Classes etc..

Extra Curricular Activities

The extra curricular activities are designed for the all round development of the pupil. When such occasions arise the parents are expected to give all help and encouragements of their wards.

Communicative English, Interview Techniques, Leadership Qualities, Skill Development, Computer Fundamentals, Tour and Festival Celebrations.

Fee Remittance

All students must pay their fee All installments before 5th day of prescribed month. Defaulters will have to pay fine as directed from the office.

Application Form

Application for admission should be made in prescribed form available on payment of ₹100 along with the prospectus.

Two(2) photo copy of SSLC book and Five(5) copy of passport size photo should be produced with application. The original certificates will be produced at the time of admission.


Pass in SSLC or equivalent examination, +2 or VHSE Pass/Fail (Any Group).


All students should attend class in the prescribed uniform.